ubuntu(ros-c++)-windows(.net - c#) is it possible?
Hi Is it able to communicate in ros realm with ubuntu(c++)-windows(c#) environment? I have hardware that currently only runs on c# code. And I want to make use of IMU with ros with it. I also checked https://github.com/siemens/ros-sharp but its focus lies on unity connection.
Alternatively, if not possible, is it also possible to connect via TCP/IP socket? while connected to a wireless master-slave network? It will be like this: (BTW Master-Slave connection is already settled up)
|-Master (wireless, Global IP)
|-Slave (local, local IP) -----------| socket(TCP/IP) Thanks Windows(.Net c#)
I have not used
However, if you are looking for a generic library for sending and receiving data over TCP/IP, ZeroMQ is a great tool. It provides bindings for so many languages. To see a CPP/Python-based demo with ROS, please check ravijo/ros_zeromq_tutorial. To see the ZeroMQ usage in C#, please see ravijo/kinect_anywhere.