Expected include directory with Humble
When porting some packages from Foxy/Galactic to Humble I have noticed one additional level in the expected include directory, for example the one that is generated from messages:
Foxy / Galactic: <ros2_ws>/install/<pkg>/include/<pkg>/msg/headers.hpp
Humble: <ros2_ws>/install/<pkg>/include/<pkg>/<pkg>/msg/headers.hpp
The ament_target_dependencies CMake line includes the right directory, depending on the ROS 2 distro.
However, when installing header files manually (to export some library), this is not automagic. Is is necessary to consider the ROS 2 distro to install the include directory or is there a better way? For now I can only do like:
if(Foxy or Galactic) install(DIRECTORY include/ DESTINATION include)
else install(DIRECTORY include/ DESTINATION include/${PROJECT_NAME})
IMO the change mentioned should be included in the migration note. Ticketed https://github.com/ros2/ros2_document...