how to calibrate odometry value?

asked 2022-08-05 04:23:31 -0500

karthikece326 gravatar image

hi folks, i have working on AMR project.I got encoder value from motor and also converted that value into odometry , but my odometry value is too slower than the real time encoder value. According to my encoder value how can i calibrate odometry value kindly give the input to solve this issue. thanks in advance.

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You should not need to calibrate. Is this a differential drive robot? Please edit your question to show us the calculation you are performing to get the odometry values. You edit using the "edit" button near the end of your descrption.

Mike Scheutzow gravatar image Mike Scheutzow  ( 2022-08-05 07:20:20 -0500 )edit

Are you sure your sampling rate for the encoder values is correct? Or do you have a delay somewhere in your code that might be contributing to this?

adityatandon gravatar image adityatandon  ( 2022-08-05 10:30:08 -0500 )edit

You also usually specify wheel radius. Do you have this value correct?

peci1 gravatar image peci1  ( 2022-08-05 14:13:45 -0500 )edit