Could i use my own Gazebo world as RL Environment for a turtlebot3? how?
Hi everyone! I've just created my own Maze with Gazebo Simulator, and im wandering if i could use it as a Simulation Environment for my RL-project while using OpenAI and ROS. I think that OpenAI Pakage can provide different Environment, but is it possible to use my own ? if so, then i'd be so grateful to know how.
Can you add links to these packages? I think they sound interesting. Thanks!
@ljaniec, yes with pleasure! and i hope im not wrong...
Hi, how did you manage to speed up the simulation ? I triedadding the following lines to my .world but it didn't changes anything
<max_step_size>0.001</max_step_size> <real_time_update_rate>1000</real_time_update_rate>
Can you speed up the simulation in the Gazebo window? Or is it not enough?
Thanks ! Indeed I was able to modify those two parameters in my simulation and it changes the simulation speed. However, the problem came from the values I choose. According to : "real_time_update_rate: This is the frequency at which the simulation time steps are advanced. The default value in Gazebo is 1000 Hz. Multiplying with the default max_step_size of 0.001 seconds gives a real_time_factor of 1"
But setting max_step_size to 0.01 instead of 0.001 broke the robot so I guess I have to find the right parameters now !