Gazebo/pr2 stack crashes halfway through spawning [closed]

asked 2012-07-29 19:57:37 -0500

azimuth gravatar image

updated 2014-11-22 17:05:24 -0500

ngrennan gravatar image

Hello, I've installed Fuerte PR2 desktop on the "Precise" and can launch gazebo empty world without a problem and spawn things in it. However, when I do "roslaunch pr2_gazebo pr2.launch" and it starts spawning PR2 (usually half the robot shows up), and then i get this:

  796].   Please double check to see that focal_length = width_ / (2.0 * tan( HFOV/2.0 )), the explected focal_lengtth value is [320.000101], please update your camera_ model description accordingly.
Dbg plugin model name: pr2
[ INFO] [1343626462.732560089]: starting gazebo_ros_controller_manager plugin in ns: /
[ INFO] [1343626462.732839237]: Callback thread id=0x7f707d2fda60
Dbg plugin model name: pr2
[ INFO] [1343626463.181112257]: imu plugin missing <serviceName>, defaults to /default_imu
[ INFO] [1343626463.181298554]: imu plugin missing <xyzOffset>, defaults to 0s
[ INFO] [1343626463.181370800]: imu plugin missing <rpyOffset>, defaults to 0s
[ INFO] [1343626463.312060944]: imu plugin missing <xyzOffsets>, defaults to 0s
[ INFO] [1343626463.312181560]: imu plugin missing <rpyOffsets>, defaults to 0s
[ INFO] [1343626463.318116787]: f3d plugin specifies <frameName> [r_gripper_l_finger_link], not used, default to world
[ INFO] [1343626463.320699670]: imu plugin missing <xyzOffsets>, defaults to 0s
[ INFO] [1343626463.320774011]: imu plugin missing <rpyOffsets>, defaults to 0s
[ INFO] [1343626463.322726947]: f3d plugin specifies <frameName> [l_gripper_l_finger_link], not used, default to world
spawn status:  SpawnModel: successfully spawned model
[ INFO] [1343626463.634930945, 0.024000000]: waitForService: Service [/gazebo/set_physics_properties] is now available.
[ INFO] [1343626463.644912114, 0.043000000]: advertised as /narrow_stereo_textured/right/camera_info

[ INFO] [1343626463.649403404, 0.049000000]: advertised as /narrow_stereo_textured/left/camera_info

Segmentation fault (core dumped)
[empty_world_server-2] process has died [pid 3166, exit code 139, cmd /opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/simulator_gazebo/gazebo/scripts/gazebo -u /opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/simulator_gazebo/gazebo_worlds/worlds/ __name:=empty_world_server __log:=/home/igor/.ros/log/2ad7944e-da08-11e1-93bb-e091f5a02253/empty_world_server-2.log].
log file: /home/igor/.ros/log/2ad7944e-da08-11e1-93bb-e091f5a02253/empty_world_server-2*.log

I've looked everywhere and seem stuck. Any help is appreciated! Thanks!

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Closed for the following reason question is not relevant or outdated by tfoote
close date 2015-04-05 15:07:06.019558


are you starting empty world separately? which version of simulator_gazebo are you using? "cat rospack find simulator_gazebo/CMakeLists.txt"

hsu gravatar image hsu  ( 2012-07-30 12:52:52 -0500 )edit