How to project PointCloud2 points to image plane with known transformations.

asked 2022-01-11 08:54:03 -0500

Ifx13 gravatar image

updated 2022-01-12 02:37:47 -0500

Hello everyone,

as the title says, I have a PointCloud2 topic and I am trying to project every point on an Image so I can extract the RGB values. I also have a known tf and the camera_info topic that corresponds to the Image topic, any ideas ?

So, here is some more information about what I've tried so far.

Frame Selection

First of all, I have 4 cameras and it is crucial to choose the best frame to project each point. For that, I've implemented this:

def choose_frame(info_msgs, lidar_point, selected_cameras = [0, 1, 2, 3], tf_data = read_tf_yaml):

computed_angles = []

for camera in selected_cameras:
    # Define the 3D ray from the projection point to the principal point
    camera_object = image_geometry.PinholeCameraModel()
    info_msg = info_msgs[camera]
    principal_ray = camera_object.projectPixelTo3dRay((,
    # Define the 3D coordinates of the projection point referenced on the LiDAR's coordinate system.
    camera_xyz = np.array(tf_data[f'cam_{camera}'][:3])
    # Define a 3D point referenced which lays on the principal ray referenced on the LiDAR's coordinate system.
    rot_quat = np.array(tf_data[f'cam_{camera}'][3:])
    rotation = R.from_quat(rot_quat)
    camera_helper_xyz = camera_xyz + rotation.apply(principal_ray)
    # Define the LiDAR point.
    point = lidar_point

    # Find the angle between 
    ba = camera_helper_xyz - camera_xyz
    bc = point - camera_xyz

    cosine_angle =, bc) / (np.linalg.norm(ba) * np.linalg.norm(bc))
    angle = np.arccos(cosine_angle)

index_min = np.argmin(computed_angles)
return index_min

What this does is for each camera to compute the angle between the lidar point, the projection point and a point that lies on the principal axis (projection point - principal point). The camera with the smallest angle is the one that is selected to project the LiDAR point. Other than being badly written There probably must be a better way to select the best camera for each point.

Now, let me show you how I've approached the LiDAR point - camera projection.

Method - 1

This simplistic way of projecting the lidar point on an image uses image_geometry package but does not use any information that I have of the external calibration (tf_tree).

def extract_rgb(lidar_point, image, camera_info):
    bridge = CvBridge()
    camera_object = image_geometry.PinholeCameraModel()

     camera_object.fromCameraInfo(msg = camera_info)
     u,v = camera_object.project3dToPixel(lidar_point)
     u_rectified, v_rectified = camera_object.rectifyPoint((u,v))
     cv_image = bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(image, desired_encoding='passthrough')
     rgb = cv_image[int(u_rectified), int(v_rectified)].tolist()
     return rgb

Method - 2

This method is slightly more sophisticated, now I use the tf information but still the results are not correct.

def extract_rgb_1(lidar_point, image, camera_info, selected_camera_index, tf_data):
    bridge = CvBridge()
    camera_object = image_geometry.PinholeCameraModel()

    rodrigues = quat_to_rodrigues(tf_data[f'cam_{selected_camera_index}'][3:])
    rodrigues_rotation_vector = rodrigues[0]

    t_vec = tf_data[f'cam_{selected_camera_index}'][:3]

    camera_object.fromCameraInfo(msg = camera_info)
    cv_image = bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(image, desired_encoding='passthrough')

    Image_points = cv2.projectPoints(objectPoints = np.array(lidar_point),
                                rvec = rodrigues_rotation_vector,
                                tvec = np.array(t_vec),
                                cameraMatrix = camera_object.intrinsicMatrix(),
                                distCoeffs = camera_object.distortionCoeffs(),

    point_uv = image_points[0][0][0]

    if point_uv[0] >= 0 and point_uv[0] <= camera_info.width:
         if point_uv[1] >= 0 and point_uv[1] <= camera_info.height:
            rgb = cv_image[int(point_uv[1]), int(point_uv[0])].tolist ...
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This question is basically requesting that someone write code for you. Please try to do this and update your question with what you're doing and why it doesn't work so we can help you.

tfoote gravatar image tfoote  ( 2022-01-11 11:07:33 -0500 )edit

@tfoote My intentions were not to ask for code; I'm sorry If that was how it appeared, I did not want to focus on the code part so much as actually to have a theoretical discussion, but yes, a more practical discussion might make things clear more easily.

Ifx13 gravatar image Ifx13  ( 2022-01-12 02:41:56 -0500 )edit