The packages you are referring to are actually both part of the ROS-I project. Packages with the name abb_xxx_support
provide URDF models for various ABB robots, and packages with the name abb_xxx_moveit_config
provide configuration files for integration with the MoveIt! planning framework. These packages are distributed via the ROS build farm (as you linked), and the source code is hosted on this ROS-I Github repository. Additional "experimental" models can be found in this repository.
The second package that you linked to is a robot driver that allows trajectories planned in ROS to be executed on the robot controller. It also publishes the current joint state of the robot. This package used to be part of the same repository as the support and MoveIt packages, but it was recently moved to its own repository.
For my simple task of sending a trajectory command, is it okay to just work with the Moveit! based package?
You'll actually need all three packages:
- The support package provides the URDF to be a representation of the robot (i.e. meshes, kinematic structure, etc.)
- The MoveIt! config package defines launch and configuration files for running a MoveIt! motion planning node
- The driver allows trajectories planned in MoveIt to be executed on the robot
Check out the ABB driver wiki for instructions on installing the driver onto your robot controller. There are also some good tutorials here in exercises 3.3 and 3.4 and here about MoveIt! config packages and basic planning in MoveIt! using Rviz.