How to saved map using map_server with raspbian buster os

asked 2021-08-04 01:02:28 -0500

avinash05 gravatar image

Hi All, I had installed raspbian buster in my raspberry pi 4 and i use the ROS melodic package and for that i installed melodic-desktop. All these package is installed and when i run the command rosversion -d then output : melodic i can see i can see and generate the map on rviz.

But my problem is that i can't able to save that map using map_server Error : map_server not found (like that error i see) after that i tried to install map_server by using below command: sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-map-server

error: Unable to locate package ros-melodic-map-server

i can't able to solve that issue After that i saved my map using this command rostopic pub syscommand std_msgs/String "savegeotiff" and i got the map in folder hector_geotiff/map in both .tiff and .tfw formate but after that i don't know How to load that map on rviz. i want to worked on static map

please help.. Thanks in Advance

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