Error message when I try to include fake sensor data in the costmap [closed]
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to include a fake laser sensor data in the costmap of the robot, to make obstacle avoidance and trajectory optimization. So I'm publishing data in /robot/my_laser topic. (I have proved that is publishing well). But this information is not in the costmap, since I have modified the "costmap_common_params.yaml" and "local_costmap_params.yaml". In fact, when I launch the move_base.launch, I get this error message:
MessageFilter [target=robot_odom robot_front_laser_link ]: Dropped 100.00% of messages so far. Please turn the [ros.costmap_2d.message_notifier] rosconsole logger to DEBUG for more information.
So I don't know what to do here. Do you have any ideas? I would appreciate your help a lot.
Have you done that? This should probably give more details about what is actually wrong here...
You are right. I have now the solution. The problem was that in my Fake Laser message I didn't include the Time Stamp, so ROS wasn't able to compute the transform os my fake laser.
great, so either consider posting this as an answer and accepting that or close this question as solved. Thanks.