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doubt regarding the base_local_planner::transformGlobalPlan() function

asked 2021-07-15 14:24:06 -0600

updated 2021-07-15 14:28:39 -0600

I am trying to understand the base_local_planner::transformGlobalPlan() function.

As per my understanding, the function takes in the global_plan (generated by the global planner) as an input and updates the transformedPlan variable. It does so by transforming the points in the global_plan to the global_frame (of the local costmap) and then removing the points that lie outside the bounds of the local costmap.

In particular, I am trying to understand the section inside the first while loop - marked by the comments - 'we need to loop to a point on the plan that is within a certain distance of the robot'.

In this section, we are looping over the points in the global_plan until sq_dist <= sq_dist_threshold. Shouldn't this cause the first while loop to break immediately because the first point in the global_plan would be the one that is closest to the bot?

bool transformGlobalPlan(
      const tf2_ros::Buffer& tf,
      const std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>& global_plan,
      const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped& global_pose,
      const costmap_2d::Costmap2D& costmap,
      const std::string& global_frame,
      std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>& transformed_plan){

    if (global_plan.empty()) {
      ROS_ERROR("Received plan with zero length");
      return false;

    const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped& plan_pose = global_plan[0];
    try {
      // get plan_to_global_transform from plan frame to global_frame
      geometry_msgs::TransformStamped plan_to_global_transform = tf.lookupTransform(global_frame, ros::Time(),
          plan_pose.header.frame_id, plan_pose.header.stamp, plan_pose.header.frame_id, ros::Duration(0.5));

      //let's get the pose of the robot in the frame of the plan
      geometry_msgs::PoseStamped robot_pose;
      tf.transform(global_pose, robot_pose, plan_pose.header.frame_id);

      //we'll discard points on the plan that are outside the local costmap
      double dist_threshold = std::max(costmap.getSizeInCellsX() * costmap.getResolution() / 2.0,
                                       costmap.getSizeInCellsY() * costmap.getResolution() / 2.0);

      unsigned int i = 0;
      double sq_dist_threshold = dist_threshold * dist_threshold;
      double sq_dist = 0;

      //we need to loop to a point on the plan that is within a certain distance of the robot
      while(i < (unsigned int)global_plan.size()) {
        double x_diff = robot_pose.pose.position.x - global_plan[i].pose.position.x;
        double y_diff = robot_pose.pose.position.y - global_plan[i].pose.position.y;
        sq_dist = x_diff * x_diff + y_diff * y_diff;
        if (sq_dist <= sq_dist_threshold) {

      geometry_msgs::PoseStamped newer_pose;

      //now we'll transform until points are outside of our distance threshold
      while(i < (unsigned int)global_plan.size() && sq_dist <= sq_dist_threshold) {
        const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped& pose = global_plan[i];
        tf2::doTransform(pose, newer_pose, plan_to_global_transform);


        double x_diff = robot_pose.pose.position.x - global_plan[i].pose.position.x;
        double y_diff = robot_pose.pose.position.y - global_plan[i].pose.position.y;
        sq_dist = x_diff * x_diff + y_diff * y_diff;

    catch(tf2::LookupException& ex) {
      ROS_ERROR("No Transform available Error: %s\n", ex.what());
      return false;
    catch(tf2::ConnectivityException& ex) {
      ROS_ERROR("Connectivity Error: %s\n", ex.what());
      return false;
    catch(tf2::ExtrapolationException& ex) {
      ROS_ERROR("Extrapolation Error: %s\n", ex.what());
      if (!global_plan.empty())
        ROS_ERROR("Global Frame: %s Plan Frame size %d: %s\n", global_frame.c_str(), (unsigned int)global_plan.size(), global_plan[0].header.frame_id.c_str());

      return false;

    return true;
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1 Answer

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answered 2021-07-15 16:48:26 -0600

Mike Scheutzow gravatar image

If we ignore error conditions, the global plan is created before the robot starts moving. Once the robot has followed the global plan for a little while, some x,y points are behind the robot and some points are in front of the current robot position. "Used up" points don't disappear just because the robot passes them.

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Makes sense. Thanks!

skpro19 gravatar image skpro19  ( 2021-07-15 19:16:14 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2021-07-15 14:24:06 -0600

Seen: 122 times

Last updated: Jul 15 '21