Get and Set Joint angles using moveit in python
I'm using MoveIt!'s python API to control a UR-5 robotic arm simulated in Gazebo. Currently, to move it I know you can specify the end-effector's position using the set_pose(pose) function. Additionally, you specify the goal joint values using set_joint_value_target().
However, these joint values aren't the angles of the joints. I would like to know if there's a function for setting the goal joint angles, and another for getting the current joint angles.
For context, my goal is to train a reinforcement learning policy whose action output will be joint angle changes. I tried training the model using the values returned by get_current_joint_values(). I don't know what type of values this function returns (I've searched the documentation and couldn't find it), but I assume they aren't the radians or degree angles else the model would converge.
In short: 1-What values does "get_current_joint_values()" return? 2-Is there a way to getting and setting the angles (radians or degrees) of the joints using moveit?
Thanks in advance!
joint angles in radians (provided no prismatic joints are present).
Thank you.
What made you
believeconclude the values "aren't the angles of the joints"?