How to adapt map with environment change

asked 2021-04-27 22:08:54 -0500

ayato gravatar image


My robot is equipped with 2d lidar, so I generate environment map with using gmapping.
After that I control my robot with using navigation stack.

In the future, I would like to have my robot running in our office.
One of my concerns is the changing environment.

In our office, we change the layout of desks, chairs, etc. periodically, about once every few months.
I would like to update the map generated by gmapping, but I'm looking for a way to do this automatically.

One way to do this is to regenerate the map from scratch when the layout changes, but I don't want to do this.
For example, I would like to update only specific areas where the layout of things has changed slightly.

As far as I can tell, gmapping doesn't have the ability to subscribe to map topics in the first place, so I don't think it's possible to update a map from the past.

Is there any way to do this?
It is also possible to use other SLAM packages.

Thanks in advance.


Another thing I'm worried about is if I'm using SLAM correctly.
My idea is basically to generate a map in advance using gmapping, etc., and then use that map to localize its own position and drive autonomously to goals.
I was asked my colleague if it is really SLAM, or if it localize its own position but does not do mapping when it runs autonomously.
I think the process of generating a map in advance is exactly SLAM, but I'm not sure if the autonomous driving after that is correct SLAM robot.

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Did you find an answer to the re-mapping problem? I am also interested in doing this.

I think the process of generating a map in advance is exactly SLAM

You are correct

but I'm not sure if the autonomous driving after that is correct SLAM robot.

I would say that this part is not SLAM because you are not mapping anymore, I would classify it just as autonomous navigation

rezenders gravatar image rezenders  ( 2021-05-12 15:21:21 -0500 )edit

Hello @rezenders,
Unfortunately, I haven't yet found a way to do the re-mapping.
Certainly, I agree with the classification of the robot I described as autonomous navigation.

ayato gravatar image ayato  ( 2021-05-24 01:22:10 -0500 )edit