How to build global map using octomap?

asked 2021-03-29 07:59:22 -0600

mohamed ahmed gravatar image

Hello everyone,

I build a simple launch file where I launch the octomap_server and my environment.
I subscribe to the "/octomap_binary" the size of the tree base node is 13107.2, As I read the tree contain only occupied or free nodes, unknown nodes are not included in the tree.
1. How do i specifiy the size of volume which is to be mapped by octomap?
2. Does this tree represent the whole environment or only the local part that the sensor can see at the moment?
3. Do I need to instantiate an Octree object with the size and resloution I want and update it with every callback?

Note: the main goal of the project is to do exploration(frontier based)
I want to have a map or an octree which represent the complete where each node(voxel) has value occupied, not occupied, or unknown, then I will iterate to check where are the free nodes that are close to unknown(unexplored) areas and move to it to explore and update the map

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