Path following and obstacle avoidance controller in ROS
I'm trying to find some path following and obstacle avoidance controller available in ROS recently. What I can find by now is this post. As discussed in this post, pure pursuit is a good path following algorithm. But it seems that this method does not have obstacle avoidance capability. On the other side, as suggested in the same post, teb_local_planner might be a good candidate. The problem, however, is that teb_local_planner requires large computation burden. Given limited computation budget in our setup, teb_local_planner seems not to be able to function properly even with very low controller_frequency as configured in move base.
So my question is whether there is any path following and obstacle avoidance controller available in ROS that could be used directly. Any insightful comment is highly appreciated. Thanks!
Best regards, Gerry
Which solution did you finally choose ? As a workaround we configured our DWB controller to follow the global path as close as possible and the global costmap as 'marking' and we use the global planner to avoid obstacles (this implies to replan frequently, at e.g; 10Hz). We did not find a local planner/controller that could avoid obstacles in a satisfactory way (tried TEB, PurePursuit and DWB for ROS2) but I'm sure it's not the proper way to do like we did.