Find-Object app video from Raspberry via wifi network

asked 2020-10-10 07:23:56 -0500


I'm trying to get the Find-Object application from ( ) to capture video being sent across my wifi network from my raspberry 4 board to the Find-Object app running on the laptop. That RPI board is using it's picamera in a python script.

But ... the Find-Object app on the latop crashes when I run my python script on the RPI board . It prints an error message , something about Qt exception ...and immediatly closes on the laptop. Unfortunatly I cannot provide details of the error message because the Find_Object app quickly closes.

I'm using a simple TCP socket client script on the RPI, written in python and that uses the network iP address of my laptop as assigned by my router, e.g. 192.168.x.y ( NOT the ip address displayed by the app when it is running and waiting listening;- ) I'm setting the port values to the same value on both ends.

The Find-Object app is working on my laptop when I use a web camera on the laptop, using its standard functions start camera, etc But I need to configure it to take in the video stream being sent out across the wifi network by my RPI 4 board as shown in the following tutorial picture

Has anyone managed to get Find-Object running on a laptop to capture and display video coming across a wifi network from a raspberry pi board ?

How ? What setting did you use ?

thanks agribot

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Yes, some years ago it worked, providing the exception would be helpful.

Humpelstilzchen gravatar image Humpelstilzchen  ( 2020-10-12 08:38:56 -0500 )edit

Thanks Humpelstilzchen from your comment. What settings were used to get Find-Object to detect a video stream coming across the network from a TCP socket client script ?

When I try it, Find-Object just run waiting and does not detect the video stream. The command line outputs just say ...

Qt:Untested windows version 6.2 detected then lists the setting and at the end it says ...

detection sent on port 50314 parameter changed Camera/6useTcpcamera "True" CameraTCP:listening to port 8080 ( IP = Then it just runs doing nothing

How can I fix this ? Thanks

agribot gravatar image agribot  ( 2020-10-14 04:28:16 -0500 )edit

Could you add the output of rqt_graph

Update: Could it be that you are trying to use find_object directly instead the ros wrapper find_object_2d

Humpelstilzchen gravatar image Humpelstilzchen  ( 2020-10-14 11:31:11 -0500 )edit