How to add camera component on coustom robot?

asked 2020-09-22 12:45:14 -0500

akshay bankar gravatar image

updated 2020-09-22 12:47:30 -0500

Can someone please help me to understand , how to add camera component on coustom robot . Like laser scanner I made on camera model in solidwork and initialised in my robot urdf file . For camera topic I am using kinet camera plugin but while simulating in rviz my point cloud visualizes in a vertical direction . Can someone please help me to understand how to use camera for ros simulation . #ros #kinetic #camera +

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@akshay bankar Have you tried with this tutorial?

Weasfas gravatar image Weasfas  ( 2020-09-23 04:22:31 -0500 )edit

Your camera is publishing a stream respectively to a frame. Like for example "camera_stream_frame". If the camera stram is now inverted or something, you have to change the orientation or position of the "camera_stream_frame".

If you want to decouple the stream from your CAD-Model you have to use two seperat frames. One "camera_cad_frame" and one "camera_stream_frame" (chose names as you like). Then you can move the stream without changing the position of your CAD-Model.

If you have a static transform ( between the two frames for example: world -> odom -> map -> base_link -> camera_cad_frame -> camera_stream_frame the stream moves when the cad-model moves

RobertZickler gravatar image RobertZickler  ( 2020-09-23 05:25:42 -0500 )edit