Looking for a ROS Package/Node for tracking ar tags when using stereo camera(two cameras on the same base))
Hello. I am new to ROS. I am using ROS Melodic on Ubuntu 18.04 and working on my project for which I am using the MIRO robot(MIRO simulation robot by consequential robotics) on the gazebo 9. I made some cubical boxes and wrapped ar tags on all the 6 faces of those cubes in Blender software and exported those cubes in my gazebo simulation. Now, these cubical boxes will serve as obstacles in my simulation. The miro Robot should be able to detect and read data from those ar tags.
The miro robot has got two eyes (the left and the right camera), I am looking for a package/node in ROS which should listen to the image data on the incoming topic, from both the camera sensors simultaneously, and outputs the contents of any barcodes detected in the images. Can you please suggest me such a node/package?
When I searched online, I came across node zbar_ros but as far as I understood this node processes information from only one camera. I also came across node stereo_image_proc but this node performs some sort of stereo processing on the data coming from both the cameras but doesn't let us detect and read the QR tags. I am sort of looking for such a package that combines the functionalities of the above two mentioned nodes. Can anyone please help?