How to add camera_info to run depthimage_to_laserscan?
I recorded the depth topic from my intel d435 camera to a rosbag whilst running my robot outside. I now wanted to use the depthimage_to_laserscan node to see the laserscan that is generated from the rosbag file but I just realised I should have recorded the camera info topic as well.
Is there a way to feed the node the camera_info topic so that it publishes the laserscan correctly?
I tried to record the camera_info topic at home (in a different scenario) and played both rosbags at the same time to see if maybe that would work, however, I'm getting the following error: Topics '/d400/depth/image_rect_raw' and '/d400/depth/camera_info' do not appear to be synchronized. In the last 10s:
. So, if I managed to sync them somehow could it possibly work? Or could I provide the camera info somehow?
you can set use_sim_time to true and it should work after that.
@Choco93 I tried but it seems the topics are still not synced. Is there anything else I need to do?
add --clock to your rosbag play as well
@Choco93 yeah I did that as well but it seems the topics are still not synced.
just to make sure are you following this order? Running roscore, setting use_sim_time: true, playing bag with --clock