User defined grasp pose for pick task
I am quite satisfied with the grasp generator that MoveIt task constructor offers, but I wanted to know if and also how it would be possible to define a custom grasp pose instead of a generated one for a pick task.
Normally you would do this stage to create a pick :
// grasp generator
auto grasp_generator = std::make_unique<stages::GenerateGraspPose>("generate grasp pose left");
auto grasp = std::make_unique<stages::SimpleGrasp>(std::move(stage));
grasp->setIKFrame(Eigen::Affine3d::Identity(), "l_gripper_tool_frame");
// pick container, using the generated grasp generator
auto pick = std::make_unique<stages::Pick>(std::move(grasp));
pick->setProperty("eef", "left_gripper");
pick->setProperty("object", std::string("object"));
geometry_msgs::TwistStamped approach;
approach.header.frame_id = "l_wrist_roll_link";
approach.twist.linear.x = 1.0;
pick->setApproachMotion(approach, 0.01, 0.10);
geometry_msgs::TwistStamped lift;
lift.header.frame_id = "base_footprint";
lift.twist.linear.z = 1.0;
pick->setLiftMotion(lift, 0.05, 0.10);
current_state = pick.get();
If I understand well, the grasp generator find possible grasp, these information are given to "SimpleGrasp" that assemble them with IK and gripper movement (in a serial container), then "Pick" is a serial container that compile previous information with approach and lift moves, right ?
I thought that I would need to generate a pose with "GeneratePose" stage (and also set the pregrasp and grasp property "manually") and then give it to "SimpleGrasp" but it doesn't seem to work.
Any idea on how I could use a custom grasp pose instead of using the grasp generator ?
Thanks in advance for the help,
I found that I would need to carry all of the "open gripper, approach, close gripper, attach object" manually in a serial container. It seems to work but is there any cleaner/compact way to do this ?
Could you maybe post your solution, as I am currently also struggling to use the task constructor without generating the grasps?
I finally managed to add custom poses, you can find the stage here :
You can then use it by giving it an array with custom poses (please see the function createDropTask that use the stage "GenerateCustomPose") :
Feel free to ask question if something is unclear.
Thank you very much, I will try it out asap :)