Error with catkin build with ds4_driver
Can anyone please help me solve the following error I get when running catkin build?
Error: Attempting to build a catkin workspace using build space: "/home/bdelspi/catkin_ws2/build" but that build space's most recent configuration differs from the commanded one in ways which will cause problems. Fix the following options or use `catkin clean -b` to remove the build space: - install: False (stored) is not True (commanded)
For context, I have been trying to enable the ds4_driver for joystick control. To set this up, I have been referencing 1) ds4_driver, 2) A Sony DualShock 4 userspace driver for Linux, and 3) Using a PlayStation DS4 with ROS Kinetic on Ubuntu 16.04.
Speciffically, following the installation instructions in Using a PlayStation DS4 with ROS Kinetic on Ubuntu 16.04, in step 2 when the $ catkin_make
command is run,
The build space at '/home/bdelspi/catkin_ws2/build' was previously built by 'catkin build'. Please remove the build space or pick a different build space.
This makes sense, I have gotten this in the past for other programs so generally run $ catkin build
instead. However, now when I run $catkin build
, I get:
Error: Attempting to build a catkin workspace using build space: "/home/bdelspi/catkin_ws2/build" but that build space's most recent configuration differs from the commanded one in ways which will cause problems. Fix the following options or use `catkin clean -b` to remove the build space: - install: False (stored) is not True (commanded)
Running $ catkin build --dry-run
I get the following:
bdelspi@bdelspi-Latitude-E5550:~/catkin_ws2$ catkin build --dry-run
Profile: default
Extending: [explicit] /opt/ros/kinetic
Workspace: /home/bdelspi/catkin_ws2
Build Space: [exists] /home/bdelspi/catkin_ws2/build
Devel Space: [exists] /home/bdelspi/catkin_ws2/devel
Install Space: [missing] /home/bdelspi/catkin_ws2/install
Log Space: [exists] /home/bdelspi/catkin_ws2/logs
Source Space: [exists] /home/bdelspi/catkin_ws2/src
DESTDIR: [unused] None
Devel Space Layout: linked
Install Space Layout: merged
Additional CMake Args: None
Additional Make Args: None
Additional catkin Make Args: None
Internal Make Job Server: True
Cache Job Environments: False
Whitelisted Packages: None
Blacklisted Packages: None
Workspace configuration appears valid.
[build] Found '73' packages in 0.0 seconds.
Packages to be built:
- control_msgs (catkin)
- controller_manager_msgs (catkin)
- hardware_interface (catkin)
- combined_robot_hw (catkin)
- controller_interface (catkin)
- controller_manager (catkin)
- controller_manager_tests (catkin)
- combined_robot_hw_tests (catkin)
- industrial_core (metapackage)
- industrial_deprecated (catkin)
- industrial_msgs (catkin)
- industrial_robot_simulator (catkin)
- industrial_trajectory_filters (catkin)
- industrial_utils (catkin)
- joint_limits_interface (catkin)
- motoman (metapackage)
- motoman_gp12_support (catkin)
- motoman_gp7_support (catkin)
- motoman_gp8_support (catkin)
- motoman_gp8_urdf (catkin)
- motoman_mh12_support (catkin)
- motoman_mh50_support (catkin)
- motoman_mh5_support (catkin)
- motoman_motomini_support (catkin)
- motoman_msgs (catkin)
- motoman_sda10f_moveit_config (catkin)
- motoman_sda10f_support (catkin)
- motoman_sia10d_support (catkin)
- motoman_sia10f_support (catkin)
- motoman_sia20d_moveit_config (catkin)
- motoman_sia20d_support (catkin)
- motoman_sia5d_support (catkin)
- realtime_tools (catkin)
- control_toolbox (catkin)
- diff_drive_controller (catkin)
- ackermann_steering_controller (catkin)
- force_torque_sensor_controller (catkin)
- forward_command_controller (catkin)
- effort_controllers (catkin)
- gripper_action_controller (catkin)
- imu_sensor_controller (catkin)
- joint_state_controller (catkin)
- joint_trajectory_controller (catkin)
- position_controllers (catkin)
- ros_control (metapackage)
- ros_controllers (metapackage)
- rosserial (metapackage)
- rosserial_arduino (catkin)
- rosserial_mbed (catkin)
- rosserial_msgs (catkin)
- rosserial_client (catkin)
- rosserial_embeddedlinux (catkin)
- rosserial_python (catkin)
- rosserial_server (catkin)
- rosserial_test (catkin)
- rosserial_tivac (catkin)
- rosserial_vex_cortex (catkin)
- rosserial_vex_v5 (catkin)
- rosserial_windows (catkin)
- rosserial_xbee (catkin)
- rqt_controller_manager (catkin)
- rqt_joint_trajectory_controller (catkin)
- simple_message (catkin)
- industrial_robot_client (catkin)
- motoman_driver (catkin)
- gp8_moveit_config (catkin)
- motoman_gp8_moveit_config (catkin)
- transmission_interface (catkin)
- velocity_controllers (catkin ...
Off-topic, but: seeing as you're running Kinetic: do you really need to build all those packages from source?
All the
packages have binaries available for Kinetic (on Ubuntu Xenial), so do therosserial
packages. Of course, if you prefer some version ofros_control(lers)
which hasn't been released for Kinetic, a from-source build makes sense.