[ERROR] []: Action client not connected, Moveit to Gazebo
Hello again friends,
This is almost an exact replica as question 319411, but as there is no answer there, I have included more information in an attempt to solve the issue.
The error is received when attempting to run the file t800_planning_execution.launch
as seen below:
<rosparam command ="load" file="$(find t800_moveit_config)/config/joint_names.yaml"/>
<include file="$(find t800_moveit_config)/launch/planning_context.launch">
<arg name="load_robot_description" value="true"/>
<node name="joint_state_publisher" pkg="joint_state_publisher" type="joint_state_publisher">
<param name="use_gui" value="false"/>
<rosparam param="source_list">[/joint_states]</rosparam>
<!-- Launch moveit -->
<include file="$(find t800_moveit_config)/launch/move_group.launch">
<arg name="publish_monitored_planning_scene" default="true"/>
<!-- Run Rviz and load the default config to see the state of the move_group node -->
<include file="$(find t800_moveit_config)/launch/moveit_rviz.launch">
<arg name="config" value="true"/>
When t800_planning_execution.launch
is run, and before the system is settled, the rostopic list
results can be seen below:
And after:
Unfortunately I am still a pleb, so I cannot take a picture of my rqt_graph, but it is only a /joint_state_publisher
node sending /joint_states
to a /move_group
node, and to itself.
Could you please post the actual error message and the content of your moveit_config package's
? Do the controller names that gazebo offers match the names in that file?The actual error message was the same (verbatim) as question #319411:
I ended up using another method however.
This indeed was an issue of matching the controller names in the file to those expected in gazebo! @fvd
My git for the project can be found here.
The files that I created:
controllers.yaml controllers1.yaml
The files I modified: demo_gazebo.launch gazebo.launch ros_controllers.launch arm_moveit_controller_manager.launch.xml
When demo_gazebo.launch is run, both rviz and gazebo open successfully and I am able to send the moveit instructions to the gazebo model.
The only issue now is that I have not successfully fixed my base_link to the gazebo world and am now struggling with that. Thank you for the response @fvd
I'm glad you could solve it. Could you post this as an answer and accept it, so it is out of the queue? Thanks!
Ya, sorry about that I wasn't sure if that was an ok thing to do. Thanks again for the guidance...if you have a second and you know of a quick fix...352213...if not thanks for taking a look anyways!