Moving the robot tears costmap apart
I use cartographer as SLAM to generate a map based on laser information. To perform automated exploration, I need to extract information from the generated map. I use the transform node in cartographer to get the nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid.
In my exploration node, I have a costmap_2d::Costmap2DROS object to hold the map information. The parameter file is here:
global_frame: "map"
robot_base_frame: "base_link"
transform_tolerance: 0.2
update_frequency: 5
publish_frequency: 1
rolling_window: false
always_send_full_costmap: false
- {name: cartographer_layer, type: "costmap_2d::StaticLayer"}
# - {name: obstacles, type: "costmap_2d::ObstacleLayer"}
# - {name: inflation, type: "costmap_2d::InflationLayer"}
map_topic: "/map"
first_map_only: false
# there is no /map_updates topic from cartographer
subscribe_to_updates: false
track_unknown_space: true
use_maximum: false
unknown_cost_value: -1
trinary_costmap: true
The map looks good in the beginning: (this is only the costmap without the cartographer map)
But as soon as the robot starts rotating/moving, the map looks like this: (The good map in the background is the "/map" topic from cartographer)
I thought this might be a tf issue. But I'm not sure. The Map is published in the correct frame and my tf tree looks fine too.
I've used a raw costmap2d before and used this code to update my map. There everything worked as intended.
void IndoorExplorer::updateFullMap(const nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid::ConstPtr& msg)
unsigned int size_in_cells_x = msg->info.width;
unsigned int size_in_cells_y = msg->info.height;
double resolution = msg->info.resolution;
double origin_x = msg->info.origin.position.x;
double origin_y = msg->info.origin.position.y;
debug_msg("Received full new map, resizing to:", size_in_cells_x, ", ", size_in_cells_y);
costmap->resizeMap(size_in_cells_x, size_in_cells_y, resolution, origin_x, origin_y);
// lock as we are accessing raw underlying map
auto* mutex = costmap->getMutex();
std::lock_guard<costmap_2d::Costmap2D::mutex_t> lock(*mutex);
// fill map with data
unsigned char* costmap_data = costmap->getCharMap();
size_t costmap_size = costmap->getSizeInCellsX() * costmap->getSizeInCellsY();
debug_msg("Full map update,", costmap_size, "values");
for (size_t i = 0; i < costmap_size && i < msg->data.size(); ++i)
unsigned char cell_cost = static_cast<unsigned char>(msg->data[i]);
costmap_data[i] = cost_translation_table__[cell_cost];
debug_msg("Map updated, written", costmap_size, "values");
So what is wrong with the update function of Costmap2DROS?
I'm currently hacking my way through the code, but I've no clue whats going on there.
Edit: This is the last time, I'll edit this post, because it looks like there are no incrementel updates. Everytime I click edit, I loos everything that was not in my original post. This is the worst.
Maybe this bug?
Try to roll back to previous commits
Or fetch latest commits, seems like it's fixed.