libxmlrpcpp not found
Hi guys,
I'm trying to run a package with root privileges for the executable. I followed the steps as per the ROS answers page #q165246.
and set the setuid bit to run with root permissions. But when I try to run the package I get an error as follows :
$ rosrun master_test master_test_node
~/catkin_ws/devel/lib/master_test/master_test_node: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I'm using ros melodic in my Ubuntu 18.04 machine.
I also tried checking my $PATH
variable (/opt/ros/melodic/bin:
) and both have been set correctly.
I'm not sure as to why the
file in the /opt/ros/melodic/lib
location doesn't get linked with my catkin_ws/devel/lib/package_name
Any help with rectifying the issue is appreciated.