Keyboard and mouse not working after installing CUDA 10.0 with Autoware 1.13.0 [closed]
I have installed Autoware 1.13.0 by using the source. First, I have installed Ros Melodic and CUDA 10.2 and tried to build the Autoware and it failed. Then, I realized CUDA 10.0 is needed.
I have uninstalled CUDA 10.2 and reinstalled CUDA 10.0. Everything was installed perfectly and all GPU tests passed.
After that, I hit reboot and after my PC rebooted, my keyboard and mouse are not responding.
I have Ubuntu 18.04.4 on my PC.
Please help on how to fix this.
This is neither a ROS problem nor an Autoware problem. Please ask this question in an Ubuntu support channel, such as
My problem was I has a wrong NVIDIA dirver which is not supported by CUDA 10.0. Used NVIDIA 430 and it fixed it.