Running ROS + Gazebo on Raspberry Pi
I know that in principle it should work. Run linux on the Pi, connect a screen, keyboard and mouse, install ROS and Gazebo and it should work.
But I have not tried it myself. Specifically running ros and Gazebo at the same time to make the Raspi a viable albeit low power development platform for ROS.
Have you tried it, and if so could you share what you used?
- model Raspi
- OS installed
- ROS version
What was your experience?
I'm pretty sure you can run it because they do have binaries within Ubuntu repositories for arm. I'm not sure how the performance will be though. Maybe a raspberry pi 4 would be a good option instead of a RPI3.
I have tried runing ROS Noetic on RPi3 B+ with Ubuntu mate 20.04 and things did't go well at all, i suffered from huge laggs and most of the times my RPi gets stuck and freezes due to the huge load. I also tried runing ROS Melodic on the same Pi, and the same thing happened.
My advice to you is that you use RPi 4 with at least 4Gb of RAM, because i've seen a lot a people on the intrernet using it with ROS Noetic, Gazebo and rviz.