nao_bringup failing
Hey there,
I am trying to use Nao with Ros and was following the official tutorials here: My problem occured specifically with this tutorial:
It seems like other people experienced similar problems. One description that pretty much fits mine is the post from @YuehChuan in this thread, sadly no solution was posted there.
I think the NAO version is 3.3.
So I am currently using a docker container based on the ros:indigo image. I followed the instructions up to the point where i should run roslaunch nao_bringup nao_full.launch nao_ip:=<robot_ip> roscore_ip:=<roscore_ip>.
It starts but after some times throws some errors and crashes.
I forgot to copy my exact error and cannot access the Nao right now but will add it to my post as soon as I am able to work on it again.
For the time being this is the error @YuehChuan had which is what I experienced too.
pose_controller (naoqi_pose/
pose_manager (naoqi_pose/
naoqi_driver (naoqi_driver/naoqi_driver_node)
core service [/rosout] found
process[nao_robot/naoqi_driver-1]: started with pid [14886]
process[nao_robot/pose/pose_controller-2]: started with pid [14887]
process[nao_robot/pose/pose_manager-3]: started with pid [14888]
[INFO] [WallTime: 1506529716.178727] Connecting to NaoQi at
[I] 14887 qimessaging.session: Session listener created on tcp://
[I] 14887 qimessaging.transportserver: TransportServer will listen on: tcp://
[I] 14887 qimessaging.transportserver: TransportServer will listen on: tcp://
[FATAL] [WallTime: 1506529719.182294] Could not connect to required "joint_trajectory" action server, is the nao_controller node running?
[nao_robot/pose/pose_manager-3] process has finished cleanly
log file: /home/schwarm/.ros/log/e6fe6b40-a3a0-11e7-9b4d-f0def191813b/nao_robot-pose-pose_manager-3*.log
[W] 14935 qi.eventloop: Error caught in eventloop(eventloop).async: Pointer Lock failed
[ERROR] [WallTime: 1506529721.184507] Could not create Proxy to "ALMotion".
Exception message:
Cannot connect to tcp://
[INFO] [WallTime: 1506529721.188671] Stopping pose_controller
[INFO] [WallTime: 1506529721.189192] pose_controller stopped
[nao_robot/pose/pose_controller-2] process has died [pid 14887, exit code 1, cmd /opt/ros/indigo/lib/naoqi_pose/ --pip= --pport=9559 __name:=pose_controller __log:=/home/schwarm/.ros/log/e6fe6b40-a3a0-11e7-9b4d-f0def191813b/nao_robot-pose-pose_controller-2.log].
log file: /home/schwarm/.ros/log/e6fe6b40-a3a0-11e7-9b4d-f0def191813b/nao_robot-pose-pose_controller-2*.log
^C[nao_robot/naoqi_driver-1] killing on exit
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete
So the problems seem to be:
1) Could not connect to required "joint_trajectory" action server, is the nao_controller node running? --> yes the node doesn't seem to be running. There only is a pose_controller running but I don't know if that has something to do with the nao_controller. Maybe it got renamed?
2) Could not create Proxy to "ALMotion". Exception message: ALBroker::createBroke. Cannot connect to tcp:// --> when I googled the error, answers were to check if the Nao ip ...