rtabmap_ros octomap message without ground?
I would like to take advantage of RTABMap's native ground segmentation, but need an octomap_msgs/Octomap out. Is there a way to get the /rtabmap/octomap_obstacles as an octomap message (it is currently sensor_msgs/PointCloud2)? I tried adding "--Grid/GroundIsObstacle false" in rtabmap_args, hoping this would remove the ground from /rtabmap/octomap_binary which is already octomap_msgs/Octomap, but it did not. Is there any other way to get an octomap message map without the ground?
Thank you!
I don't know much about either of those projects, but removing the ground should be trivial. In your loop when you're processing this data, just look at the Z value and if its below or really close to 0, throw it out.
Thank you for your suggestion. RTABMap is natively doing ground segmentation by normal filtering such that it ends up more complicated than slicing the map with a flat plane and that is what I'm hoping to leverage.