pass parameters of xacro file in another xacro file
I have this cameras.urdf.xacro file:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<robot name="origins">
<link name="$(arg tf_prefix_camera1)_pose_frame"/>
<link name="$(arg tf_prefix_camera2)_link"/>
<joint name="$(arg tf_prefix_camera1)_to_$(arg tf_prefix_camera2)" type="fixed">
<parent link="$(arg tf_prefix_camera1)_pose_frame"/>
<child link="$(arg tf_prefix_camera2)_link"/>
<origin xyz="0.009 0.021 0.027" rpy="0.000 -0.018 0.005"/>
So, this file has parameters tf_prefix_camera1 and tf_prefix_camera2. And i want to include this file in another xacro file and set this parameters. how can i do it?
<xacro:include filename="$(find realsense2_camera)/urdf/mount_t265_d435.urdf.xacro tf_prefix_camera1:=t265 tf_prefix_camera2:=d435" />
like this?