Gazebo odom causing extreme rotational drift
I am trying to create simulated differential drive robot in ROS by following the tutorial in chapter 12 of the book Programming Robots with ROS. i got the robot up and running but i am having trouble getting it to navigate around the simulated environment. When I teleop the robot around the room i notice crazy amounts of error introduced in the odometry data. these errors only seem to happen upon turning the robot left or right. i have recorded a video to help demonstrate the issues Im having, find it here I have also created a bag file so you guys will be able to see whats going on.
thanks in advance, if you need any other files let me know.
As per request; I am using AMCL, here are my parameter files.
Global costmap params:
global_frame: /map
robot_base_frame: base_link
static_map: true
Local costmap params:
global_frame: /odom
robot_base_frame: base_link
rolling_window: true
Common costmap params:
footprint: [[0.35, 0.15], [0.35, -0.15], [-0.35, -0.15], [-0.35, 0.15]]
observation_sources: laser_scan_sensor
laser_scan_sensor: {sensor_frame: hokuyo_link, data_type: LaserScan, topic: scan, marking: true, clearing: true}
Local base planner
holonomic_robot: false
I am assuming you are using robot localization, can you share your params file?
Hello, I am using AMCL. see my updated question for the params
Have any ideas?
are you using all default parameters for amcl?
yes accept for the parameters outlined above
these are all basically move_base parameters, you are using all of default param values for amcl. I don't have much experience with amcl, but what I am guessing is that you need to modify params like
ones which deal with rotation and try to find what works best for you.