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How to reuse downloaded rosdistro repo in bloom-release?

asked 2019-07-30 08:59:18 -0500

peci1 gravatar image

When I do new releases of my packages, one of the longest taking phases is cloning the rosdistro repo over and over.

How can I tell bloom-release the path to a locally cloned repo which it'd use instead of cloning?

Another way to speed up the process would be to make only a shallow clone of the repo, which should be also IMO ok.

Can I achieve one of the two improvements with existing bloom?

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1 Answer

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answered 2020-03-06 12:24:59 -0500

nuclearsandwich gravatar image

Bloom doesn't currently have the ability to use an existing clone of rosdistro. But if you were interested you could implement the feature and contribute a pull request. There was a pull request to use shallow clones but the shallow clone couldn't be used to push local changes upstream so that approach was abandoned

Opening the pull request without a local clone using the GitHub repository content API would also be an efficient way to push the updates but it would need to be implemented as GitHub-specific behavior. Then again, the pull request creation behavior is GitHub-specific already so that may not preset a challenge at all.

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Asked: 2019-07-30 08:59:18 -0500

Seen: 141 times

Last updated: Mar 06 '20