ROS publishers & subscribers still transmitting data after roscore closed
I am working on a scale city project where we will have some cars running along a track connected to a watchtower. We have decided to use ROS for the project and are running Kinetic on Ubuntu 16.04 on RPi 3 B+'s. Today we were testing how ROS behaves in the event of internet failure and are a bit stumped:
We have one node on a Pi publishing sensor data. On my laptop, I am running roscore and subscribing to said data. On the pi, we set: ROS_MASTER_URI=http://(my computer's name).local:11311/ ROS_IP=(hostname -I)
We then launch roscore on my system. Then, we run the simple publishing script on the RPi (very, very simple -- similar to the publisher example code). Next, I run the subscriber on my computer. Data is printed as expected. However -- when I kill roscore, the data keeps transmitting and printing. If I reboot roscore, it continues to transmit.
This is extremely convenient for us, but why exactly is this happening? Shouldn't I expect connection between the two machines to cease once roscore has closed?
Thank you.