Robot arm colliding with workcell
I'm having an issue in my robot cell where the robot is sitting on the edge of a table and the table is outlined by four posts. running the robot to a random location in the center of the table I have about a 50 percent chance of the robot pathing through one of the posts close to it.
I've read through some of the moveit docs such as this and I've tried to play with "longest _valid_segment_fraction" for my planner. I don't know that I've seen any changes though. I've also tried to make the collision tags for each of the posts slightly larger so the sample checker has a higher probability of checking in collision but that hasn't helped either.
I guess my first question is how exactly do I use the "longest _valid_segment_fraction". my assumption was to place it inside the specific motion planner headder like the following.
type: geometric::RRTConnect
range: 0.0 # Max motion added to tree.
longest_valid_segment_fraction: 0.0005
are there any other ways of preventing the collisions?
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I would first check your collision geometry.
Does your cell have proper collision geometry specified?
Can you show a screenshot of RViz with the collision geometry enabled?
You were right, I forgot that I set an artificial ceiling so I didnt need to make collision objects for the upper rails. in the initial pose the robot was already in collision with the ceiling. I made the top rails like I should have done from the start and it works now.