UUID::UUID not found in melodic
Hello ROS-Community,
I am working my way through the Wil Selby Quadrotor Simulator, but I am having some issues here.
I am using Ubuntu 18.04 and ROS Melodic.
I clone all packages as mentioned into my workspace and use catkin_make. I first of all did that after cloning the glog_catking and catkin_simple into my src folder. It runs through.
After I get all the other packages which are mentioned and run catkin_make, thats the error I get:
CMake Error at rotors_simulator/rotors_gazebo_plugins/CMakeLists.txt:85 (target_link_libraries):
Error evaluating generator expression:
Target "UUID::UUID" not found.
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/thorsten/catkin_ws/build
Invoking "cmake" failed
There is a lot more of the same errors.
Thanks for any help!
Update: the error changes, when I do the same but as root.
/home/thorsten/src/rotors_simulator/rotors_gazebo_plugins/src/gazebo_octomap_plugin.cpp:25:10: fatal error: gazebo/math/Vector3.hh: No such file or directory
#include <gazebo/math/Vector3.hh>
Thi would seem to be an issue with the packages you're trying to build. I would recommend you post this as an issue on their tracker (this one).