build octomap using pointcloud2 data
I could use a little help getting Octomap to publish occupancy grid cell data. I have been reading the explanation on the ROS Wiki for how to build an Octomap using the octomap_server node, and PointCloud2 data. I have set up the following: 1 My RealSense camera is publishing data over the topic, "/cloud_in". 2 I am publishing /tf frames for "base_link" to "camera_link" at 5Hz 3 I am running rosrun octomap_server octomap_server_node
What else do I need to do, to get Octomap publishing occupancy grid cells over the topic "/0ccupied_cells_vis_array" I might be confused on how to set up the tf frames to match the data coming in over the "cloud_in" topic. My understanding is a bit hazy when I come to tf frames and how they are matched with a topic.