mimic joint with non-linear relationship.

asked 2018-11-12 04:34:59 -0500

BhanuKiran.Chaluvadi gravatar image

updated 2018-11-12 04:45:00 -0500


I have a complex mechanism where one joint has to mimc another joint but the relation ship looks likes a quadratic.

theta2 = const1 * theta1 * theta1 + const2 * theta1 + offset.

So far document appears to be in a linear form (value = multiplier * other_joint_value + offset).

Is it possible to specify some kind of quadratic relationship for mimicking joint in the URDF / ROS ?

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#q307392 is at least related, if not a duplicate. Unfortunately the documentation is quite clear (and I believe still correct). Only what you see ni the documentation is supported right now.

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2018-11-12 04:54:36 -0500 )edit