propagate userdata smach
First, am I right in assuming input_keys and output_keys are the preferred method of propagating information throughout a SMACH State Machine? From what I can see, this requires a good deal of bookeeping, but if there's no other way, then that's that.
I cannot get userdata passing between a State Machine and a Sub-Container. Here's what I would expect to work.
class QuickTestMain( smach.State ):
def __init__( self, name ):
smach.State.__init__( self, outcomes = ['succeeded','aborted','preempted'] )
self.count = 0 = name
def execute( self, userdata ):
r = rospy.Rate( 1 )
for i in xrange( 5 ):
self.count += 1
rospy.logout( '%s at count %3.2f' % (, self.count))
return 'succeeded'
class PrintStr(smach.State):
def __init__(self, ins = 'Hello'):
smach.State.__init__(self, outcomes=['succeeded', 'aborted', 'preempted'],
self.ins = ins
def execute(self, userdata):
rospy.logout( 'Received input data: %s' % userdata.in_key )
return 'succeeded'
def sms():
smc = smach.StateMachine( outcomes=['succeeded', 'aborted', 'preempted'],
print smc.userdata.outtie # Fails
with smc:
smach.StateMachine.add('MAIN2', QuickTestMain('main2'),transitions={'succeeded':'succeeded'})
return smc
if __name__ == '__main__':
rospy.init_node( 'tmp_test')
sm = smach.StateMachine(outcomes=['succeeded','aborted','preempted'],output_keys=['five'])
print sm.userdata.five
with sm:
smach.StateMachine.add( 'PS1', PrintStr(), transitions={'succeeded':'SMS'},remapping={'in_key':'five'})
smach.StateMachine.add( 'SMS', sms(), transitions={'succeeded':'succeeded'},remapping={'outtie':'five'})
sis = IntrospectionServer( 'sm_test', sm, '/SM_TEST' )
rospy.sleep( 5 )
I am attempting to pass userdata from a State Machine to a sub-SM with the remapping command, but apparently this doesn't work for Sub-SM ?
Is there anywhere in the docs I could get more info on this? Thanks
I don't remember seeing a declaration of a state as a function in the tutorials. Check the tutorial for nested states, it shows how to correctly declare a state as a substatemachine.