error while trying to install ifm3d camera

asked 2018-08-20 06:53:06 -0500

S.Yildiz gravatar image

updated 2018-08-20 06:55:16 -0500

gvdhoorn gravatar image

ifm3d is a 3d camera for more details click on the link:

When I run catkin_make_isolated I get these errors:

-- ifm3d found component: camera
-- ifm3d found component: framegrabber
CMake Warning at /usr/lib/cmake/ifm3d-0.9.0/ifm3d-config.cmake:44 (message):
ifm3d could not find component: image
Call Stack (most recent call first):
CMakeLists.txt:4 (find_package)

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:4 (find_package):
Found package configuration file:


but it set ifm3d_FOUND to FALSE so package "ifm3d" is considered to be NOT

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See also "/home/nvidia/catkin_ws/build_isolated/ifm3d/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
<== Failed to process package 'ifm3d':
Command '['/home/nvidia/catkin_ws/devel_isolated/gpio_control/', 'cmake', '/home/nvidia/catkin_ws/src/ifm3d-ros', '-DCATKIN_DEVEL_PREFIX=/home/nvidia/catkin_ws/devel_isolated/ifm3d', '-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/nvidia/catkin_ws/install_isolated', '-G', 'Unix Makefiles']' returned non-zero exit status 1

Reproduce this error by running:
==> cd /home/nvidia/catkin_ws/build_isolated/ifm3d && /home/nvidia/catkin_ws/devel_isolated/gpio_control/ cmake /home/nvidia/catkin_ws/src/ifm3d-ros -DCATKIN_DEVEL_PREFIX=/home/nvidia/catkin_ws/devel_isolated/ifm3d -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/nvidia/catkin_ws/install_isolated -G 'Unix Makefiles'

Command failed, exiting.
catkin_make_isolated 44,82s user 24,52s system 140% cpu 49,351 total

And in ~/dev/ifm3d/build I'm running make check and get these errors

[ RUN ] Image.MoveCtor
unknown file: Failure
C++ exception with description "Lib: XMLRPC Timeout - can you ping' the sensor?" thrown in the test body. [ FAILED ] Image.MoveCtor (1035 ms) [ RUN ] Image.MoveAssignmentOperator unknown file: Failure C++ exception with description "Lib: XMLRPC Timeout - can youping' the sensor?" thrown in the test body.
[ FAILED ] Image.MoveAssignmentOperator (2032 ms)
[ RUN ] Image.CopyCtor
unknown file: Failure
C++ exception with description "Lib: XMLRPC Timeout - can you ping' the sensor?" thrown in the test body. [ FAILED ] Image.CopyCtor (2022 ms) [ RUN ] Image.CopyAssignmentOperator unknown file: Failure C++ exception with description "Lib: XMLRPC Timeout - can youping' the sensor?" thrown in the test body.
[ FAILED ] Image.CopyAssignmentOperator (2037 ms)
[ RUN ] Image.References
unknown file: Failure
C++ exception with description "Lib: XMLRPC Timeout - can you ping' the sensor?" thrown in the test body. [ FAILED ] Image.References (2031 ms) [ RUN ] Image.CloudMechanics unknown file: Failure C++ exception with description "Lib: XMLRPC Timeout - can youping' the sensor?" thrown in the test body.
[ FAILED ] Image.CloudMechanics (2025 ms)
[ RUN ] Image.XYZImage
unknown file: Failure
C++ exception with description "Lib: XMLRPC Timeout - can you ping' the sensor?" thrown in the test body. [ FAILED ] Image.XYZImage (2026 ms) [ RUN ] Image.ComputeCartesian unknown file: Failure C++ exception with description "Lib: XMLRPC Timeout - can youping' the sensor?" thrown in the test body.
[ FAILED ] Image.ComputeCartesian (2034 ms)
[ RUN ] Image.TimeStamp
unknown file: Failure
C++ exception with description "Lib: XMLRPC Timeout - can you ping' the sensor?" thrown in the test body. [ FAILED ] Image.TimeStamp (1019 ms) [ RUN ] Image.IlluTemp unknown file: Failure C++ exception with description "Lib: XMLRPC Timeout - can youping' the sensor?" thrown in the test body.
[ FAILED ] Image.IlluTemp (1017 ms)
[----------] 10 tests from Image (17281 ...
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This appears to be a cross-post of lovepark/ifm3d#88, which you posted 7 minutes ago.

Please be patient and give the ifm3d devs a chance to respond.

Cross-posting like this is not very nice.

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2018-08-20 06:56:45 -0500 )edit