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Turtlebot, odom and a wall

asked 2018-06-07 09:18:36 -0500

erenaud gravatar image

updated 2018-06-07 09:19:14 -0500

Hi !

When simulating a turtlebot with Gazebo, while slam_gmapping is running and using teleop, I noticed that when making the robot moving against a wall, odom somehow "knows" that the robot is in deed NOT moving. As a result, the map displayed on rviz (with view_navigation.launch) stays correct.

I'd like to reproduce this behaviour, but I don't understand what allows this in the turtlebot. Is that something handled in the kobuki_gazebo_plugins (more specifically in function updateOdom() ) ?

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answered 2018-06-20 03:06:07 -0500

No, the Kobuki Gazebo plugin computes the odometry based on the rate at which the wheels are turning. So there are two possible explanations for the effect you're seeing:

  1. Either the wheels are really not turning when the robot is pushing against a wall. This is unrealistic, but if the simulated wheel traction is much higher than on the real robot, it's possible. In that case, the robot is not moving in the odom frame.
  2. Or the robot does appear to be moving in the odom frame, but gmapping is compensating for it based on the localization in the laser scans.

I would guess it's (1).

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Asked: 2018-06-07 09:18:36 -0500

Seen: 994 times

Last updated: Jun 20 '18