Gripper server causes problems in example controller
I am working with a Franka Emika Panda Robot and currently testing the example Controllers. When testing the move_to_start.launch it doesn't work and i keep getting:
GripperServer: Exception reading gripper state: libfranka: UDP receive: Timeout
The Error Messages can't be stopped with Strg + z. After this I have problems controlling the robot even after killing all nodes and restarting. It says franka_gripper/franka_control has died
and Action Client not connected: frank gripper/Position_joint_trajectory Controller
. In some cases even the computer hangs up. I can still move the cursor but whenever I try to execute a task (even starting the task manager/ shutdown buttom) it doesn't work and I get an error saying Child process cannot be executed (input/output error)
Any ideas about how to solve the original problem or at least the consequences? Thanks for any help!
you mean
ctrl + c
, right?ctrl + z
will effectively 'pause' a program (or really: suspend it and keep it in the background).If you've been using
ctrl + z
, you should probably make sure you don't have a nr of suspended processes .... still around.
Easiest is probably to restary your system. That should stop any running / suspended programs.
From this -- and your other questions -- I would really recommend to follow some tutorials and / or find a good book about Linux (command line) usage and perhaps a programming language.
It will make much of this much less 'magic' and give you a good basis to start working with all of this.
Sry my fault, what I mean't what's not working is ctrl + c. Restarting my system is exactly what i did so far, but I don't want to do every second time after testing a controller so I was wondering if there is an easier opportunity.
My comment about restarting your system only made sense if you'd actually been using
ctrl + z
the whole time.Disregard it if you haven't.
I did tutorials of Linux/C++/ROS/MoveIt/.. but unfortunately that doesn't mean I would understand the reasons for all error messages that come up.
As to your issue: this is a rather specific issue with a specific package. It might perhaps be better to report it over at frankaemika/franka_ros/issues.