How to create a costmap layer to avoid downward stairs
I am using costmap_2d for creating a 2d occupancy grid and mapping. I'm able to have my real robot mapping a room with a kinect and using depthimage_to_laserscan and I also would like to detect downward stairs or cliffs. I've read that it is a good idea to use voxel_grid and a layer with negative z axis, but I have no idea how to do that.
Does anyone managed to detect and avoid downstairs? Maybe just identify it as an obstacle and not necessarily putting it in the map, just avoid it.
-------EDIT 1-----------
I'm currently using depth_nav_tools for that and I've replaced depthimage_to_laserscan by laserscan, and the mapping works better, but I'm unable to detect downward stairs. Do I need pointcloud messages for cliff_detector and depth_sensor_pose, since I'm using nav2d with Operator node for obstacles with costmap2d?
Thanks for your help