Could Video4Linux (V4L) usb camera worked with Jetson TX2 running ROS Kinetic?
Below please find my proposed setup:
- Board version --> Nvidia Jetson TX2
- OS version --> Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
- ROS version --> Kinetic Kame
- ROS package for V4L driver --> usb_cam
- V4L utilities Ubuntu package that used by usb_cam --> v4l-utils
- ROS package for interface btw ROS and OpenCV --> cv_bridge
My application requirement is to use a Video4Linux (V4L) vision camera to take a footage. The footage will be handled by the usb_cam node and publishes as a ROS image message. The ROS image message is converted into the OpenCV image data via cv_bridge node. The OpenCV image data can then be analyzed for pattern recognition or other purpose.
I have tried all these on a laptop and is functioning, will it work under Jetson TX2.
Many thanks for your kind advise.
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