RQT command does not display plugins after clean install
Hello, I am working with Ubuntu 16.04 and ros kinetic. I am trying to experiment with Ros QT for designing an interface for my project. I haven't been able to get the rqt command to display the plugins that I have installed.
I am a ROS newbie, so it is plausible that I made a mistake with how I installed rqt, but what I did was that I started with a clean install of Ubuntu 16.04, I followed the instructions listed here: http://wiki.ros.org/kinetic/Installat... and here http://wiki.ros.org/ROS/Tutorials/Ins... to verify ROS was installed correctly.
I then ran the commands
$ sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-rqt ros-kinetic-rqt-common-plugins
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
as instructed here http://wiki.ros.org/rqt/UserGuide/Ins...
When I run the command
I only get a blank window with no text.
I tried to verify that I had plugins installed by running
$ rqt --list-plugins
and I do get a populated list, and I can run the 'rqt_image_view' plugin directly from the command line.
My question is why do I not see any options to run plugins from the rqt window? Any insight or advice would be greatly appreciated.