Hudson Pre-Release: 401 HTTP error when attempting kforge pull
I am trying to run a Hudson pre-install on the 'gestures' stack. Hudson's console output is at
The salient part seems to be this HTTP 401 error that prevents Hudson from pulling the stack out of kforge into a stack overlay:
------------------ Begin Excerpt --------------------------
Install the stacks to test from source.
Failed to execute 'rosinstall --rosdep-yes stack_overlay /opt/ros/unstable stack_overlay.rosinstall'
Initialized empty Git repository in /tmp/install_dir/stack_overlay/gestures/.git/
rosinstall operating on /tmp/install_dir/stack_overlay from specifications in rosinstall files /opt/ros/unstable, stack_overlay.rosinstall
Installing master to /tmp/install_dir/stack_overlay/gestures
error: The requested URL returned error: 401 while accessing
fatal: HTTP request failed
ERROR: Failed to install tree '/tmp/install_dir/stack_overlay/gestures'
Checkout of version master into /tmp/install_dir/stack_overlay/gestures failed.
------------ End Excerpt -------------
401 is 'user authorization required'. Do I need to open the kforge project somehow?