kforgeproject.com down
I don't know if this is really something for answers.ros.org, but kforgeproject.com is down for at least 2 months now. Is the project discontinued?
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I don't know if this is really something for answers.ros.org, but kforgeproject.com is down for at least 2 months now. Is the project discontinued?
The DNS address is up, but the web site seems to be misconfigured.
You could try contacting the webmaster about getting it fixed.
well, that was my first thought. However, there is no address of the webmaster on the error page...
You might try filing a ticket on the KForge Trac: http://knowledgeforge.net/kforge/trac .
Tried that, cannot create a new account for opening tickets..
Asked: 2012-07-11 03:11:00 -0500
Seen: 225 times
Last updated: Jul 11 '12
rosinstall fails when encountering kforge repos from generated .rosinstall file
Unable to install stacks from Kforge
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Is there a backup of kforge.ros.org anywhere?
Did you mean kforge.ros.org? Is kforgeproject.com a ROS-related site?
I think it's the source of the software kforge.ros.org is based on.
Ah indeed it appears to be.