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megatree for hydro / src, wiki outdated

asked 2014-02-02 23:23:31 -0500

Wolf gravatar image

updated 2014-03-14 07:23:27 -0500

I've installed and tested megatree ( ) on my system using my old fuerte installation and it works quite impressive.

I'd like to develop some application on top of it. My entire ros related work is in hydro, though, i. e. I'd need a hydro release of megatree in order for embedding it. The mentioned link still is at fuerte. I considered porting the src myself to hydro but the source link in the wiki still links me to , i. e. is no longer available. Does anyone know whether there is a github repo to which megatree has moved?

Edit Mar, 14: Anyone?

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1 Answer

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answered 2014-10-05 18:41:33 -0500

tfoote gravatar image

I've dug up a copy from my archives it's not available on github at:

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Asked: 2014-02-02 23:23:31 -0500

Seen: 253 times

Last updated: Oct 05 '14