Rotating laser mounted on a vehicle
Hi, I obtained 3d point cloud using 2d rotating laser scanner on a base frame . But now I want to this mounted on a vehicle. How can I do it?
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Hi, I obtained 3d point cloud using 2d rotating laser scanner on a base frame . But now I want to this mounted on a vehicle. How can I do it?
The recommended way would be adding the LIDAR setup to the URDF model of your robot. You can find the URDF tutorials here. You then just need to publish the required joint state for the rotating joint of your setup and you should be all set.
A (perhaps relatively complex) real-world example is the rotating LIDAR macro we use for our Tracker robot. See tracker_spinning_lidar_mount.urdf.xacro.xml. The macro is instantiated (i.e. used for actually adding the rotating LIDAR to the robot model) here in tracker_structure_addons.urdf.xacro.xml. Note this setup is relatively complex because it also provides ability to define calibration of the LIDAR on the spindle as well as full Gazebo simulation capability.
I have already created a basic urdf according to the model I showed in the picture. file:///home/ahmet/catkin_ws/src/lidar_package/urdf/tilt_mech.urdf (thats my urdf model) I will put this model on a golf car. how do I edit this code? I am so sorry I am very new about ROS.
Asked: 2017-11-23 02:29:12 -0600
Seen: 970 times
Last updated: Nov 24 '17
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I'm guess the answer I'd give right now is "Mount it on a vehicle", but I guess you're interested in some more specific (hopefully ROS-related) information. You might want to edit your question accordingly.
I do not need to do anything on the code if I mount my laserscanner on a vehicle? do not I have to create a moving tf instead of a fixed tf? because now, my laserscanner rotating on a base frame like this I also sent a mail you about this problem Mr. Kohlbrecher