OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/shantengfei/catkin_ws/src/jaka_ur_moveit_config/default_warehouse_mongo_db'
HI all! I'm trying create a moveit package for my own robot following the tutorial Create_a_MoveIt_Pkg_for_an_Industrial_Robot. When I finished the second part Update Configuration Files I tested the configuation.However, there was something wrong. When I start the planning _and_execution.launch, there was something output like this:
OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/shantengfei/catkin_ws/src/jaka_ur_moveit_config/default_warehouse_mongo_db'
[mongo_wrapper_ros_shantengfei_PC_9122_1384786663048058499-7] process has died [pid 9194, exit code 1, cmd /opt/ros/indigo/lib/warehouse_ros/mongo_wrapper_ros.py __name:=mongo_wrapper_ros_shantengfei_PC_9122_1384786663048058499 __log:=/home/shantengfei/.ros/log/e378d02c-b477-11e7-9896-7085c22fcebd/mongo_wrapper_ros_shantengfei_PC_9122_1384786663048058499-7.log].
log file: /home/shantengfei/.ros/log/e378d02c-b477-11e7-9896-7085c22fcebd/mongo_wrapper_ros_shantengfei_PC_9122_1384786663048058499-7*.log
I checked the ros package jaka_ur_moveit_config and there are just two folders: launch and config. In the launch folder, there is a default_warehouse_db.launch file which was generated when I set up the moveit assistant:
<arg name="reset" default="false"/>
<!-- If not specified, we'll use a default database location -->
<arg name="moveit_warehouse_database_path" default="$(find jaka_ur_moveit_config)/default_warehouse_mongo_db" />
<!-- Launch the warehouse with the configured database location -->
<include file="$(find jaka_ur_moveit_config)/launch/warehouse.launch">
<arg name="moveit_warehouse_database_path" value="$(arg moveit_warehouse_database_path)" />
<!-- If we want to reset the database, run this node -->
<node if="$(arg reset)" name="$(anon moveit_default_db_reset)" type="moveit_init_demo_warehouse" pkg="moveit_ros_warehouse" respawn="false" output="screen" />
and here is the moveit_planning_execution.launch
<arg name="sim" default="true" />
<arg name="robot_ip" unless="$(arg sim)" />
<include file="$(find jaka_ur_moveit_config)/launch/planning_context.launch" >
<arg name="load_robot_description" value="true" />
<group if="$(arg sim)">
<include file="$(find industrial_robot_simulator)/launch/robot_interface_simulator.launch" />
<group unless="$(arg sim)">
<include file="$(find [robot_interface_pkg])/launch/robot_interface.launch" >
<arg name="robot_ip" value="$(arg robot_ip)"/>
<node name="robot_state_publisher" pkg="robot_state_publisher" type="robot_state_publisher" />
<include file="$(find jaka_ur_moveit_config)/launch/move_group.launch">
<arg name="publish_monitored_planning_scene" value="true" />
<include file="$(find jaka_ur_moveit_config)/launch/moveit_rviz.launch">
<arg name="config" value="true"/>
<include file="$(find jaka_ur_moveit_config)/launch/default_warehouse_db.launch" />
As can be seen, <arg name="moveit_warehouse_database_path" default="$(find jaka_ur_moveit_config)/default_warehouse_mongo_db" />
. But I didn't find the default_warehouse_mongo_db
.Could someone please give a method to solve the problem? Thanks.
PS: Here is the output of ls -al /home/shantengfei/catkin_ws/src/jaka_ur_moveit_config
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 10月 16 10:00 .
drwxrwxr-x 8 shantengfei shantengfei 4096 10月 18 22:51 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 310 10月 16 10:00 CMakeLists.txt
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 10月 23 15:33 config
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 10月 17 16:32 launch
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1069 10月 16 10:00 package.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 284 10月 16 10:00 .setup_assistant
and the output of ls -al /home/shantengfei/catkin_ws/src/jaka_ur_moveit_config/launch
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 10月 17 16:32 .
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 10月 16 10:00 ..
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 715 10月 16 10:00 default_warehouse_db.launch
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2521 10月 16 10:00 demo.launch
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 370 10月 16 10:00 fake_moveit_controller_manager.launch.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 299 10月 17 16:32 jakaUr_moveit_controller_manager.launch.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 20 10月 16 10 ...
Your launch file is looking for
$(find jaka_ur_moveit_config)/default_warehouse_mongo_db"
and you said that there is aconfig
folder.If your
is in theconfig
folder, then yourlaunch
should be$(find jaka_ur_moveit_config)/config/default_warehouse_mongo_db"
What is the output of
find . -name default_warehouse_mongo_db
after runroscd jaka_ur_moveit_config
is created if it doesn't exist on first run of a MoveIt config with thedb
enabled. So that it doesn't exist (yet) is expected.@tengfei: did you ever run anything as a different user (ie:
?) in your workspace? That could lead to these sort of issues.Also: please edit your question to include your
file.Hi Ruben, thanks for your reply.I didn't found the default_warehouse_mongo_db in the config folder and I tried the
find . -name default_warehouse_mongo_db after run roscd jaka_ur_moveit_config
and there was nothing output.Hi gvdhoorn thanks for your reply every time! Maybe I uese sudo, I forgot it. So how to resolve this problem? I even don't know what the default_warehouse_mongo_db's role in this project.
Please add the full output of
ls -al /home/shantengfei/catkin_ws/src/jaka_ur_moveit_config
to your question text.If (and only if) permissions are the problem, we can reset them.
gvdhoorn, I have add the ouput of the
ls -al /home/shantengfei/catkin_ws/src/jaka_ur_moveit_config
. Please check it.