cant load worlds with gazebo v8.0.0
I have installed ros-kinetic-desktop-full and ros-kinetic-turtlebot-* on an Arch Linux. and when i try to run the "roslaunch turtlebot_gazebo turtlebot_world.launch" it launches with no errors but the world only contains the turtlebot,ground,a light source and no other objects.
I can confirm gazebo loads the world correctly when i run "gazebo ./" and loads all the objects except the turtlebot.
some maybe related packages versions: gazebo v8.0.0 protobuf 3.2.0 ros-kinetic-gazebo-* 2.5.8
tried gazebo8_ros_pkgs (kinetic) - 2.5.10-1 but the results is the same.wondering whether I am doing something wrong...