rviz ignoring transforms
With the lates update of Kinetic the display of laser scan data in some old bag files stopped working. I get the message
[ERROR] [1490090873.307973855]: Ignoring transform for child_frame_id "uav0/vicon_laser" from authority "unknown_publisher" because of an invalid quaternion in the transform (-0,018510 0,706860 -0,018510 0,706860)
in the terminal where rviz is started. This transform might be generated from a ros2 static transform but it worked before the latest update.
Is the quaternion invalid or is the check here buggy? And it did display properly before so can I disable this new check?
The launch file line generaing the transform that do now work is:
<node pkg="tf2_ros" type="static_transform_publisher" name="laser_frame_publisher" args="0.12 0 -0.1 -0.01851 0.70686 -0.01851 0.70686 /uav0/vicon /uav0/vicon_laser" />
You cannot disable the check (what would it do with what it thinks is an invalid quaternion). This would not be in
, but rather intf2
. Do you meantf2
? @tfoote that quaternion looks valid, do you know of recent changes that might affect this?