Using Gazebo Simulator with ROSARIA
In the tutorial in on "How to Use ROSARIA", under the section "Using MobileSim simulator", it is stated that for more fully featured simulation, one must use stdr_simulator, Stage or Gazebo instead. However details on how to go about using these simulators with ROSARIA are not given.
Please assist me on how to go about doing this, particularly using Gazebo with ROSARIA. I have a Pioneer3AT simulation running in Gazebo, but when I attempt running the ROSARIA node, it returns the error:
bongzaseko@bongzaseko-OptiPlex-9020:~/GoogleDrive/ros/rosaria/catkin_ws$ rosrun rosaria RosAria Connnecting to robot using TCP connection to localhost:11311... Connected to remote host localhost through tcp.
Syncing 0 No packet. Syncing 0 No packet. Syncing 0 No packet. Syncing 0 No packet. Robot may be connected but not open, trying to dislodge. Syncing 0 No packet. Robot may be connected but not open, trying to dislodge. Syncing 0 No packet. Could not connect, no robot responding. Failed to connect to robot.